Monday, August 18, 2008

First day of School!

So, today, 18th of August as in US but 19th in Malaysia, lol i had my first class in the US. It is such a great day that despite my busy-ness, i am blogging about it which i could procrastinate in blogging about my the other half of my trip here. So my class today was actually at 8.30 am. so i got up like 7 am and before i could wash up, my brother nudge me in msn and we webcam-ed for like half an hour before i go wash up. So took some great tasty cereal before i went out of my apartment and waited for the bus at the bus stop just opposite my apartment and it was about 18 degree celcius at that time. So when the bus came, i got up and i feel good because the people are friendly, the bus is big and clean and everything is so cooooool.
So went to my class with the help of a map and glad to find it and so happen i met another Malaysian from Inti under the same scholarship in the lab. So nothing special, just like any other boring intro class and got out to see our advisor, Kevin to talk about my courses then went to look for Dr Thompson, Dean's of Engineering department to talk about my scholarship with Halliburton and gave us some little assignment. Just to look for info about Halliburton and present it this wedneday but thats not a problem :)
After that, went to my class again and midway through it realise i haven had anything in my stomach yet other than the morning cereal and its 1.30pm. So before my next class starts i went down to Student Union to grab some food. It a 5 minutes walk down and grab donuts and milks and rush back up to my class. Thou 5 minutes sounds near, its like 1km away from actually. lol. Its really big here. After the class ended, i met up with my housemate then we went to do our ID card! wahhaha.. its been process in 2 minutes and we got our ID card. How efficient.. lolx
then we went to open our bank account then plan to walk to the other office to get another set of key for our apartment. It doesnt look far from the map on our hand so we decided to walk in spite of drizzing. and when we finally arrive, its half an hour pass. Darn! can you imagine how far is it? lol.. after that we have to walk back to our apartment and again it doesnt look far but because we're half wet, we decided to check out the Corvin Recreation center here since we got our ID card already. It was really really fantastic. I cant describe how cool it is in words here. Imagine this, 8 NBA basketball courts, more than 2 dozens of each type of workout machine you could fine in nay normal gym, squash court, table tennis, 2 golf simulator, indoor swimming pool, outdoor swimming poool and the highest floor is an indoor running track. And thats not all because we didnt quite explore everything yet!
So of cause, as an golfer freek, i went to try out the golf simulator and so happen the other one was not functioning and only one which was occupied was functioning and so i went up to the fat white and ask him if i could try it. So he said SURE. i hit the first shot and he was like JESUS CHRIST, YOU HIT THAT REALLY FAR, YOU ASIANS ARE GOOD IN EVERYTHING MAN. hahahaha... guess i made asian proud. lolx... So we keep playing with my housemate and our new cute new ang mo fren, Andrew and he keep JESUS CHRIST-ING when i hit a shot. Then sudenly when my house mate, Henry who never really plays golf hit the ball into the hole, he was like, WHATS WITH YOUR RACE? hahahah...
Then we took another 15 min walk back to our apartment and took cereal again since didnt have lunch. Glad to be home again. Then suddenly, we realize our aircond suppose to be turn on today and when we press the ON button... IT WORKS! AHAHAHHA.. So now our apartment is furnish with aircondss.. :) so comfortable... :)

Anyway. blog later.. take care! :)


Samantha Chow said...

yea malaysians rock! haha