Friday, January 8, 2010

Updates finally!

So Christmas is now over but New Year is coming so so soon.. Anyway these past months has been a lot of fun for me. Will try to summarize as much as possible here

Thanksgiving:went to Jacob's grandparents house at Ark City, Kansas. Went to his uncle's Cotton field to help out on the first day. Operated a Stripper haha! It's called Stripper cause it actually strip cotton off from the stem. It's pretty cool.

Next day rode horses, shot shotguns, mattress skiing and Tamborine. Can you believe i've never got on a tamborine before??? LOL..
More shot guns and horses the next day. Forced to leave that day because Stillwater Chinese Baptist Church (SCBC) which i am part of, is having a thanksgiving party and i have to go help out and participate in..

After that is dead week, which we all need to study for our finals the following week. Spend most of my time doing project, homeworks and studying but of course not forgetting to party on friday (3 days before finals) and going to church on sunday! :) Finals went well and managed to get a 4.0 GPA again this semester. God bless me for sure!! I am honestly blessed this semester. I always party the day before my test/exams and study minimum but still managed to get 100% or highest in the entire class for my tests/exams. It's funny.. Cortney joked: You should party with us the entire finals week then! LOL

During the break, Curt left his truck with me because he will be gone for most of the break and wanted me to have something to mobilize around. He is a amazing brother in Christ to me.. :)

Went ice skating the other day with Stephanie and Rose (90). The city of Stillwater made a skating ring near main street for the holiday season. Smart idea huh? knowing that there is nothing fun to do here in Stillwater.. haha! :)

There're tons of activities planned during the Christmas season this year. First, Carolling then party at Msian student's house. Next day a Christmas party at church then another party to exchange gifts at Cortney's house. However, on Christmas eve, all of the sudden (not snowing in October, November and whole of Dec) it started to snow. Not just snow, it's blizzard! Can you believe it?

(Written on the 27th of December 2009)

> > Resuming on the 7th of January 2010
See, that's what happened so often that something arised amid updating my blog and interrupted what i wanted to post here. On that day when i was supposed to be updating my blog, my friend called and asked me to go build a snowman and didnt have the time to sit down and update it again till now.

Anyway, picking up from where i left off, the snow blizzard caused all the christmas program to be canceled. The caroling, the church christmas party, present exchange at Cortney's etc. On that day (christmas eve) when it started to snow, i called up Rose Jin and Jonathan and asked them if they wanted to go out and buy presents for the present exchange party at Cortney's at night and they agreed. We went out despite the heavy snow and for 2-3 hours we shopped around Stillwater. After all the shopping, we arrive at Cortney's house to wrap up the presents and since then, we're immobilized for dayssss! LOL. The snow just pilled up so quickly that at 4pm, they called off the caroling and by 6pm, our vehicles are stucked at the parking lot. However, Cortney came out with a brilliant idea - phone caroling haha! :) It was fun. For 2 hours we called people and sang to them (including my parents in Malaysia) hehe!

At 8pm, we decided to walk to another friend's apt (near mine) about a mile or 2 away for dinner. We walked (more of a struggle and rustle with the wind) for 5 minutes, and we're only about 100 ft away from Cortney's house. We realized we have 2 choices : 1) Back to Cortney's place and be bored 2) walk and freeze to death.. LOL. Then i saw some vehicles traveling on the main road and i realized we can actually hitch hike to where we wanted to go. That's what we did and thank God there's a mexican guy with a van who gave us a ride :)

For the next 3 days, Cortney and Rose could not go home and they decided to stay at my apt for the entire duration until the authorities started to plow the snows off the road. Even until now, snows are still everywhere except that they're now harden already.Stephanie wasnt able to join us that time because she was with her host family and they had a vacation to Missouri. :(

With those snows, Jonathan and I built a snowman. It was an ugly one cause the snow wasnt slicky enough to be rolled into a snowman. Few days later, along with Stephanie (she's back) we made an awesome one!It started to snow when we started to build it that's why the snow was perfect for snow man!! :)

Stephanie stayed over at Rose's place for a couple of days so we managed to hang out a lot. Had some fruitful time together. Roy Zhao Xin Yuan, our dear brother in Christ (we went to his house for lunch and dinner almost everyday during the snow storm because he is a good cook!) has to leave Stillwater to be back in China with his wife on the 29th of Dec. He is now safely back in China and will definitely be missing him a lot.
Henry (my roommate) came back on the 31st of Dec. Me, Jonathan and CuiYang went to pick him up at OKC and we went for vietnamese Noodles. At night, i bought some little fire crackers and had some friends over to countdown towards the new year. Messed up the house again which i just cleaned the day before. Henry clean it up after that thou.
In this new year, hope that God will continue to provide for our needs which i know He will. And pray that He will use me for His glory and I will put Him first above everything else. :) God is good, all the time.

On the 2nd of Jan, our bro ChenJun got married with Sis MinZhi. Had a wedding in our chinese church for the first time since a long long time (not sure if we even have a wedding here before). Anyway, it was such an amazing feeling to see how God bring them together and make them one.

Gen 2:23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

Gen 2:24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

Classes is starting next week (OH NO!!) It feels like this holiday just went by like a dream. Everything's so relaxing and wonderful. :) Time to get back to reality. haha. By the way, I'll be playing the guitar for worship tomorrow with TImothy, Cortney and Rose. Hopefully everything will be well and we can bring others to worship our one and only God :)

Another thing is I already got my internship offer few months back. My company told me that there is a possibility that they will be able to send me back to Msia for the summer/internship which will be great! Otherwise I'll be based in Carroltan, Texas.Starting to miss my family after a year without seeing them. Thank God for keeping me busy and occupied so far. Also, I had a pay raise from last internship so this will help me pay for some of my tuition fee next semester (since my 2 years scholarship will be terminated end of this semester)

Few days ago, my mom told me that Andy Gan, a long time golf buddy of mine passed away at the age of 22 due to some terminal illness. After getting the news, i went to google "Andy Gan" and found his blog ( and was truly touched by his faithfulness to God even at the brink of dying. He still trust God and being extraordinarily optimistic towards his illness. Thank God for his heart and I am sure he is in a better place now. Thank God .. Nevertheless, felt the lost of a friend/brother in Christ.

It's freezing cold today and tomorrow. Believe it or not, it's -3F (-16C)right now at this moment. Imagine a place much much colder than your freezer at home. LOL. It's crazy. Is it global warming? World coming to an end?

Lastly, I would end with some prayer request:

1) God will open up my dad's and grandma's heart to Him. Let them receive Him.
2) God will use us (brothers and sisters in Stillwater Chinese Baptist Church) to better serve Him and to touch lives. (p/s: Jonathan just accepted Christ few weeks back because of our prayers and guidance to him. Praise the Lord! )
3) God will help bring Stephanie Jeng to Oklahoma State University for her undergraduate studies and for God's blessings over our relationship
4) I'll be able to have my internship in Malaysia this coming summer
5) God will strengthen my family's faith in Him and all my friends who are already a beliver while touch the life of those who has not placed their faith in Him. Amen!

Peace out people! God loves us! :)


Baboya said...

did you realize that out of your 5 prayers, 2 have already been answered? haha
God is great!!!:) <3