Friday, January 16, 2009

Thought for the day

He who knows not and knows not that he knows not is a fool, shun him;
He who knows not and knows that he knows not is uneducated, teach him;
He who knows and knows not that he knows is asleep, awaken him; but - -
He who knows and knows that he knows is wise, follow him. - - Steven R.Mamchak


Steven R. Mamchak said...

Hi there!

I was going through the Google blogs to see if any of my stuff had come up yet when I caught YOUR blog! I went over to your blog and had a wonderful time reading all the happenings in your life in OK, USA.
Had a few questions for you, my fried -- 1] where did you find my quote orginally? I use it often, but I'd like to know how you came to hear it. You see I'm in New Jerey and that's petty far from Oklahoma. Was it in one of my books or did you hear one of my talks? Would love to know. 2] Did you ever marry that beautiful girl from Taiwan? I hope so. 3] One thing you may or may not knw about me is that both my wife and I are ministers with the Assemblies of God. I was most interested in your comments on your Christian jouney. It is our prayer that God richly blesses you.

Would love to hear you...check out
when you get a chance.

Steven R. Mamchak