Thursday, July 31, 2008

Incest Trial

Monday,the day of my life. I, Dennis, was accused of having incest with my half sister, Doris and was brought to court. I am a 33 years old, working as a dentist while Doris is 21 years old working as a first grade teacher. So it was said we were giving a bad impact or impression to the society.

Well, definition of Incest in this case is a romantic or sexual relationship between close family members including half brother and sister. And to be found not guilty, we must prove that we were unable to control ourself.

So we argued that although we know it is wrong, we have emotional problem and were unable to control ourself falling in love with each other(what a lame excuse)lol. But thats the only way to get out of this!! :(

The trial last for 3 and a half hours and finally!!! The juries declare us not guilty and YES!!! I am free to continue my relationship with my sister!! :P


Here's some photos! ( It is for my Politics class by the way)

Well, i do looks like a dentist, dont i? lolx

Me and my classmate (who happen to be my housemate in Oklahoma State U) :)

Graduated from Concordia University. Wow! Anything to do with dental, Feel free to give me a call! :) Cheap fee guaranteed...

Upload my "mat salleh" lecturer's photo when i get them!

-Cheerxx guys-