Monday, April 26, 2010

TAMA Rockstar Drum

Just got back from Oklahoma City because we went there to buy a set of drums!!! :) How awesome is that? Bought a used TAMA Rockstar drum, with Zildjian cymbals for $661.75. Paid by Malaysian Student Society because we will be needing it for our graduation banquet band. :)

Had 2 meals at Banana Island (Malaysian Restaurant at OKC) today. Ate Hainanese Chicken Rice, Beef Rendang with Rice, Beef soup, curry stingray, and WAT TAN HO!!! Soooo good. Cant wait to get back to Msia... hehehee...

Btw more pictures will be up tomorrow on the drum when i set it up. Prepare to be blown away!! For now, HOMEWORK!!!!