This week been pretty fun. Needless to say, i'm getting my head into my project and started working on it. For the first time, i brought my camera to my work place and took some photos for my presentation and of course for reference in this blog! LOL. Anyway on Wednesday, my colleague who is sitting in the cubicle beside me gave me a huge chunk of cookies which his wife have made. It was so good. The chocolate bites are huge and i have to say, it's comparable to Famous Amos, if not better. Then Thursday went for Wallyball (derived from Volleyball) after work. It is similar to Volleyball except you play in a squash court where you can bounce the ball on the wall. That is why WALLyball. LOL. Pretty fun but it hurts my hand so badly! Bruises everywhere but who cares man! Screw it! :) Me and "Mountain Mover" aka Sand Truck
Me and the truck with huge Sand Tyre!
Then on Friday, my friend, Justin flew in from Stillwater after work. At first i was figuring that he will be taking a commercial plane where he have a free ticket or something since he is one of the airport's officers. However, when he arrived, i waked my roommate, Tim to pick him up and found out that he actually rented a small plane and flew in to look for me, alone. How cool is that! Tim also managed to drive his car on the airport runway and we had a look at his plane and just check it out. (You can imagine how small this town is when you can drive your car on the airport runway) lol.
Then Tim and I went to Blockbuster to rent some DVD-s because one of my supervisors gave me a gift card of 10 dollars. We, initially planned to just spend that 10 dollars and that's it, but so happen they're having a summer promotion where with 15 dollars you can rent 2 dvd per time and unlimited times within one week which is a good deal since Tim wanted me to watch quite some Classic american movie in order to educate me better on American Culture. LOL. We rented Pink Panther the first series (made in 1964) and Wayne's World which is another classic movie. That night we watched both the movie after Justin flew back to Stillwater that evening. We watch from 10pm to about 2am and by the time we finish them, we're both pretty drunk. Tim treat me with his Vodka entire duration we're watching. I drank about 2-3 big cups of Vodka mixed fruit juice that's pretty good and 3 shots of Vodka (which is about a mouth full of pure Vodka) which knocked me out. Tim of course had much more than that! he's freaking crazy alcoholic! LOL. Just kidding.
Then yesterday we returned the 2 dvd and rented another 2 dvd-s that is The revenge of Pink Panther (1974) and Forest Gump ( which is the same story line by the same writer of Benjamin Button) and went to another store to rent another series or Pink Panther and it only costed 59 cents to rent for a week. We started watching Forest Gump first, once we reached home and Tim started cooking Potato Cabbage Beef, which is an Irish food. It smells so good but we cant eat it because it needs to be stew for 4-5 hours. We started cooking at 3pm and only get to eat it at 9pm!!(6 hours of stewing) It is so suffering having the scent filled the home while not be able to eat it! But when it is done, it was so good! With some Irish Whisky, RedBreast and Pink Panther, it was an awesome dinner cum movie night! By the way, we ended up watching 4 movies just yesterday alone. Forest Gump, Fired Up which we watched online, Revenge of Pink Panther and Return of Pink Panther! How awesome is life.. haha!
Anyway I just came back from church. Joined one of my colleague in Immanuel Baptist Church. Finally i found a church to go to in this place. :) Might be going out to rent another 2 series of Pink Panther since there're 11 series in total. Till then, Adios!
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